Making peach jam without pectin is so easy and you don't need a thermometer! A great way to keep the taste of summer all year long!

The best peach jam recipe!


Fresh Peaches Sugar  Fresh Lemon Juice

How to make Peach Jam Without Pectin:

Wash the fruit and then cut into chunks.

Weigh the fruit and use half the amount of sugar. 

Put the peaches and the sugar into your pot.

Pour the lemon juice over the sugar.

Turn to heat on to low and start cooking the fruit, stirring to ensure the sugar melts.

After a few minutes, it will start to simmer and create a foam on top. Remove the foam using a spoon.

When it thickens, use an immersion blender or potato masher to mash the fruit to get the consistency you like.

Put some jam on a cold plate. Push the jam with the back of a spoon. If the jam crinkles, it's ready.

Then ladle the jam into clean, sterilized jars.


Approachable, indulgent, desserts from scratch for home bakers!

Bake. Indulge.  Savor the moment.  Repeat.